Good Medicine
The Flicker Fund

Good Medicine: The Flicker Fund features Seventh Generation Fund’s collaborative efforts with grantees and donors to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and climate fires.

This Red Paper comes at a time of tremendous heartbreak in the Indigenous World. No family or community has been untouched and many have been devastated by the loss of elders, wisdom keepers, fluent language speakers, and even young people, our future leaders.

1 in 475 Indigenous Americans has died, and 1 in 665 Pacific Islander Americans has died due to COVID-19, according to APM Research Lab’s February 4, 2021 findings. The immense impacts of the pandemic on Indigenous Peoples worldwide are yet unknown, however from our transnational work, SGF notes that the effects are far reaching and devastating across the globe.

Good Medicine is dedicated to each of our Relatives, their families, clans, tiospayes, communities and Nations who have been impacted, struggled and suffered, survived or transitioned on to the Ancestors, at this difficult time.

Seventh Generation Fund’s Flicker Fund provides pandemic relief, wildfire response, and is designed for emergency response.

Update following the date of publication: The documented, nationwide actual mortality impacts from COVID-19 data (aggregated from all available U.S. states and the District of Columbia) for all race groups since the start of the pandemic are: 1 in 390 Indigenous Americans has died (or 256.0 deaths per 100,000), and 1 in 565 Pacific Islander Americans has died (or 176.6 deaths per 100,000).