Self-Determined Philanthropy: A Four-Year Reflection

When COVID-19 upended our world in 2020, we didn’t know what to expect. Many spaces ground to a halt, either out of necessity or privilege, while others worked at great risk to keep us all fed, housed, and healthy. At a time of great loss and confusion, Seventh Generation Fund listened to the voices of our partners and the needs of our communities — and sprang to answer their calls for support. 

As others pulled back, we did our best to reach out. Our grantmaking grew, our Fellowships expanded, our Affiliates thrived, and when it was safe to gather together again, we did.  Thank you for your continued belief in and support of the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples. Our impact is just a reflection of your work, dedication, and power.

Please read our Four-Year Reflection to learn more about what we have all achieved together since 2020.