Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Self-Determination
Today, our purpose remains as our founders originally envisioned.
Dedicated to Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination and the sovereignty of Native nations.
Founded in 1977, Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples emerged from Indigenous communities during the cultural, social, and political renaissance era of the ’60s and ’70s. Leaders of the time, such as our primary founder the late Daniel Bomberry (Salish/Cayuga), included chiefs, clan mothers, youth, and community activists. These leaders established the organization to respond to the needs of grassroots Indigenous communities and initiatives.
Seventh Generation Fund focuses on cultural revitalization, leadership development, tribal sovereignty, and culturally appropriate economic development. Our organization grew and evolved into the foremost Indigenous social-profit organization in the U.S. serving transnational community-based organizations.
We recognize the critical need at the grassroots level for access to resources, technical assistance, and training. Our work has consistently been based on traditional Indigenous concepts of holistic ecological stewardship. We have long understood the direct relationships between a healthy environment, social justice, and community well-being. We remain focused on grassroots development through Indigenous community empowerment and action.
Our organization derives its name from a precept of the Great Law of Peace of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy). This precept mandates that chiefs consider the impact of their decisions on the seventh generation yet to come. This principle guides us in our frontline work of revitalization, restoration, preservation, planning, and development projects.