Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples is dedicated to supporting the work of Indigenous-led organizations so they can thrive as leaders and culture-bearers. To this end, we are excited and honored to announce the 2023 Indigenous Healing & Leadership Fellows! 

This year’s fellows exemplify the focus of the fellowship: their work is grounded culturally, in service of community wellness spaces, and rooted in traditional health and healing. The fellowship provides resources to create a collective space for deep connection and reflection of cultural identity and support to engage, enhance, and explore skills and empower leadership.

During the year-long fellowship, recipients expand their education through traditional knowledge and capacity building activities, and engage more extensively in their culture. This work also brings the fellows together to continue engaging in different aspects of their shared identities which include language, cultural practices, intergenerational learning, stewardship practices, and community-based healing. 

Please join us in celebrating the 19 Indigenous Healing & Leadership Fellows and the Native communities they serve and represent. We are fortunate to support these wonderful leaders in their work. 

  • Abra Nungasuk Patkotak, Northwest Coast Indians, Inupiat, Yupik, Aleut, Athabascans
  • Mauna Kea Education and Awareness (Bonnie Pualani Case), Native Hawaiian and all other Indigenous Nations and Communities in and beyond Hawaii.
  • Centro Cultural Techantit (Luis Antonio De Paz  Vásquez), Sonsonate (Nahuizalco, Santo Domingo de Guzman, Acajutla, Izalco, Santa Catarina Masahuat), La Paz ( Santiago Nonualco, San Juan Nonualco) La Libertad (La Libertad, Quezaltepeque), Morazan (Cacaopera, Guatajiagua), La Union (Yucuayquin), San Salvador (San Antonio Abad, Mejicanos, Aguilares, Tonacatepeque, San Jacinto, Antiguo Cuscatlan), Chalatenango (Teosinte).
  • Radley Davis, Pit River Peoples
  • Celeste Tootoosis, Kawakatoose First Nation, Cote First Nation, Whitebear First Nation, Pheasants Rump First Nation
  • Whirlwind Bull Yellow Bear, Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations
  • Geo Soctomah Neptune, Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township and the greater community of the Wabanaki Confederacy in Maine and New Brunswick
  • Joseph “Brophy” Toledo, Pueblo of Jemez, all other Pueblo communities
  • Bertha Peters, Puelekuekla'(Yurok) and neighboring local tribal nations
  • Daliyah Killsback, Northern Cheyenne Nation
  • Andre StrongBearHeart Gaines Jr., Nipmuc, Pocumtuc and sister tribes
  • Secwepemc Language Society (Janice Billy) Secwepemc Nation
  • Pua O Eleili Kelsi Pinto, ʻŌiwi
  • Alma McCormick, Crow Reservation
  • Naomi Michalsen, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian and Aleut nations in Juneau, Saxman and Ketchikan, Alaska.
  • Aqpik Charlene Apok, Alaska Native Peoples
  • Ixquik Poz Salanic, Maya K’iche, Maya Mam, Maya Tz’utujil
  • Hampi Warmi Initiative (Cynthia Ximena Ingar Huaman) Quechua Nation (Andean Communities of Pisac district and San Salvador district within Calca Province, Cusco Region)
  • Belinda F. Joe, Crow Creek Dakota Hunkpati tribal communities-districts: Big Bend, Crow Creek and Fort Thompson, SD.

We look forward to seeing the ideas of our fellows come to life and sharing their achievements. You can follow their journey and learn more about each of them by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter.