We are pleased to continue to stand by and support Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination and the sovereignty of Native Nations. Our ongoing and latest investment in the SAGE Development Authority’s Anpetu Wi Wind Project—the first 100% Native-led renewable energy commercial project on Turtle Island—supports just transition by funding resilient infrastructure and economic development, while at the same time honoring Native land stewardship and community wealth building.

Seventh Generation Fund and SAGE have a strong history of collaboration. Seventh Generation Fund has provided capacity building grants, recoverable grants, administrative support, and fiscal sponsorship to SAGE since 2018. Our 46-year-long history in Indian Country provides us with the perspective to see the critical importance of Native values-driven energy development that prioritizes tribal leadership, cultural connections to the land, and is supported by the highest levels of technical advising in the renewables sector.

Investments like these help to ensure that Indian Country is at the the tip of the spear for economic development for the Standing Rock People and ensures that the project’s ownership and governance remain with SAGE’s 100% Native-led board and further strengthens Indigenous self-determination. As we continue to see an influx of investment in climate technology and transitions to renewable energy, it is critical for Indigenous Peoples to  lead their own large-scale projects, rather than just be leased to land owners while the profits of energy projects leave their reservations and communities.

The Anpetu Wi Wind Project exemplifies a model that other Tribal Nations can use to create environmental impact, jobs, and also return long-term wealth building opportunities to their communities, as this project does for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. It is also a model that we encourage other funders to adopt to ensure a more resilient and sustainable future for us all.

Learn more about the Anpetu Wi Wind Farm here. If you are interested in supporting the Anpetu Wi Wind Farm, you can donate here.